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Monday, July 4, 2011

fuck that

photo courtesy of http://planet-weird.blogspot.com

so a "mother" leaves her 4 month old daughter in the car while she goes shopping in Zellers in Kelowna this afternoon.

Someone calls the cops (thank god) and the cops smash open the window and take the baby. The "mother" then comes back and said she was only shopping for 10 minutes and the baby was fine.

What the fuck is wrong with this chick? Even if it wasn't hot, who leaves their infant in the car while they shop at Zellers?????

And now the police are looking at charges. Unless those charges involve taking the kid away and sterilization for the "mother", then it isn't enough.

Fucking morons.

Read the whole article here


  1. Sadly it only takes brains to look after and nurture a kid, it doesn't take any to make them.

  2. These neglected children are the strippers and UFC fighters of the future! Don't speak ill of them or their upbringing. You will upset the delicate balance of the universe.

  3. To me, the 'do' looks just as bad as the 'don't'..

  4. Does anyone actually shop at Zellers? If so, why? What do they buy there and how do they stomach cruising around half-empty aisles manned by total retards.

    FYI - Zellers will soon become Target, otherwise known as "tar je" - French for total shit.
