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Friday, June 17, 2011

my conundrum

The HST referendum is in the mail (but with the postal strike, who knows when it will be here). And I have no idea how to vote.

Okay, not totally true.

I know I should vote to keep it, but I'm still pretty pissed about the snow job the Liberals did in getting it here in the first place, and I want to prove a point by voting it down.

But I'm pretty sure that's biting my nose to spite my face, because it's going to cost us an ass load of money if we get rid of it.

I'm also not really keen on all the sweet treats Premier Christy is throwing our way to try and persuade us to keep it...I mean, I'm all about paying less tax, but that never would have happened if we the people hadn't called them on their bullshit tax to begin with.

So...what's a girl to do? Down with the HST, or just deal with it because it's here.



  1. The GST and PST combined were 12%. The HST is 12%. What's the problem exactly? Oh yes, a handful of shitty items are subject to an additional 8%. Like eating out at a restaurant.

    Despite the fact that HST is actually much better for businesses of every kind because of the way tax rebates work, and the general public is pretty much paying the same 12% on almost everything, here's what will happen.

    In the same way that the idiot masses burned and looted Vancouver when their retarded sports team won or didn't win the cup, the same neanderthals will fill out No on the Ballot for HST and we'll go back to the old archaic system but tack on the 1.3 billion repayment debt to the Federal Govt.

    What happens after that? The money the Provincial government is out because of the ballot they will make up somewhere else in other hidden taxes and user fees. So we're really not doing anyone a favour.

  2. Call it a rehearsal for the coming election. I enjoy the rare treat of getting a ballot in my hands, and it rarely gets marked the government's way.

  3. Most people forget, or never knew, that the GST was designed as a "temporary" tax. The HST is designed to CEMENT the GST into a status of permanent. Google it. Wikipedia it. Who cares if it is an extra step for businesses? Perhaps the owners do. But look at it this way, those extra steps create an economy of their own; we need more accounting, book keeping, etc. That is better for us, not them. It depends where you stand, capitalist or proletariat. Owner or worker. Most of us are workers. We don't care. We NEED all of our money, for food, rent, etc. The real kick in the teeth is the fact that many things now have 12% tax when before it was 6 or 7. And what about restaurant owners? Yes, they will pay their accountants less to process taxes, but if they have less customers as a result of higher prices, then perhaps their accountants will have less to do anyway? Less business surely means less work. The problem exacerbates itself.
    The HST is a lie. Get rid of it. We benefit nothing from it, unless of course, spending more is appreciated by you, perhaps a few more air miles will be tallied. Worth it? Not a chance.
