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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

it's a slippery slope folks

photo courtesy of Michael Charrois

In the past few weeks the Harper government has legislated two groups of striking union workers back to work.
The first one, the Air Canada guys, was pretty mind boggling. I'm still wondering what makes them an essential service. The planes weren't even grounded.
So today they pass legislation sending the posties back to work. But that isn't the worst of it. They've forced them back to work, AND forced them to take whatever wage the government decided was fair. They weren't even striking...they were locked out for fucks sake.
Unfortunately for the union, it was LESS than their employer had already offered them.
I would like to say I'm flabbergasted, but the fact is, nothing this government does surprises me anymore.

The labour minister didn't even have the balls to address the media...she got one of her lackeys to do it.
Ms. Kellie Leitch , the minister's parliamentary secretary was quoted by the CBC as saying it would be "unwise" to let the collective bargaining process run its course because "the risks to our economy are too great to ignore."

Don't people deserve to make a fair living anymore? Imagine going into work tomorrow, asking for a raise, and being denied that raise and then have your salary cut my a couple of bucks an hour.
It's disgusting, and it's a sad and scary day for Canada's unions.


  1. You know, this is why I hate unions. They have a lot to offer, but also, a bit too much power at times. I do NOT agree with the government at all at this time, but I also think unions need to take a look at themselves a bit. I've been in the private sector my whole life, so obviously my views are somewhat bias in that direction. At the same time, i hear all the crap that my friends in unions go through including the golden-handcuff positioning. There really is no happy medium.

  2. K this is for you...

